- Pink, F**kin Perfect. Lyrics available here
- Michael Jackson, Bad Lyrics available here
While watching, think about these questions:
For both videos:
- What is the plot of each video?
- Do the lyrics of the song match with the images in the video?
- Make note of the artistic choices made in each video - what style of dress was chosen? Who is in the video? Does the video tell a story?
- How does the Pink video make use of the cultural structure of "Effortless Perfection" as described by Farrelly?
- What lines from the song or images from the video represent "Effortless Perfection"?
- What lines form the song or images from the video contradict or counter "Effortless Perfection"?
- Does the video seem to take a stand about "Effortless Perfection"?
- What do you think Pink's intention was in writing this song and making this video?
- Are there images or lyrics from this video that support the kind of "superman" or "ultimate masculinity" described in the Zirin article (and discussed in section)?
- Do the lyrics ever contradict or contrast with the images in the video?
- Does the video support the kind of masculinity described in the Zirin article?
- What might Michael Jackson's intentions have been in making this video?
- Briefly define "ultimate masculinity" (we called it Hegemonic Masculinity in class) and "effortless perfection."
- Describe how you see these videos making use of the cultural structures of "ultimate masculinity" and/or "effortless perfection."
- Do the videos contradict or create a counter-narrative to "ultimate masculinity" or "effortless perfection"? If so, how do they do this.
Please type your essays. They are due on Monday, October 7th in section. A hard copy is required.
Please be specific in your analysis - quote the lyrics or point to specific scenes from the video to support your analysis. Remember to cite your sources, including in-text citation of the articles you have read.
If you are not familiar with in-text citations please refer to The OWL at Purdue.
******EDIT********Otober 3, 2013
Please include a works cited page. I think it is important for you to get into the habit of always citing, thus including a bibliography is good practice. However, I know that you may not be familiar with how to cite a website or a video so I have included example reference below. Please be certain to include any outside sources you used, including Wikipedia.
For your reference: Youtube videos should be cited as follows (Using APA format)
Author, A. A. [Screen name]. (year, month day). Title of video [Video file]. Retrieved from http://xxxxx
You can see further information and examples at http://blog.apastyle.org/
Works Cited
(2013). Freshman Women at Duke University Battle 'Effortless
Perfection'. In Blair-Loy, M. (Ed)An Introduction to Sociology: Analysis of
the Social World (2nd Edition).
Jackson, Michael [Michaeljacksonvivo]. (October 3, 2013). Bad [Video File]. Retrieved from http://youtu.be/dsUXAEzaC3Q
Jackson, Michael. (October 3, 2013). Lyrics, Bad. Retrieved From http://rock.rapgenius.com/Michael-jackson-bad-lyrics
Pink [pinkvivo]. (October 3,2013). Perfect [Video File]. Retrieved from http://youtu.be/K3GkSo3ujSY
Pink. (October 3, 2013). Lyrics Fuckin Perfect [website]. Retrieved from http://www.azlyrics.com/lyrics/pink/fuckinperfect.html
(2013). NFL's In Denial About Depression. In Blair-Loy, M. (Ed)An
Introduction to Sociology: Analysis of the Social World (2nd Edition).