
SOCIOLOGY 1, Discussion

Fall Quarter, 2014 Wednesdays, 3-3:50 PM
HSS, 2321 and 4-4:50 PM

TA: Julia Rogers. C.Phil.
Email: jerogers at ucsd(.)edu
Course Blog:
Office Hours: Wednesdays 5:00PM – 6:00PM at Muir Woods Cafe
Thursdays 11AM – 12PM in SSB 453 (Between RIMAC and Goody's)
By appointment, in SSB 453 unless otherwise specified.


Discussion section is your opportunity to explore the course material and topics in a smaller setting. Discussion sections are not miniature course lectures; they are an opportunity for students to actively engage in their own education. Section should be a large, ongoing conversation. What you get out of section is largely dependent upon what you put into section. We all have a great deal of power over the section environment. Each day we come to section and contribute to its success or failure. I ask of you that you come to section prepared, ready and willing to discuss the topics from the course. In turn, I will come to section prepared to guide you, help you when you get stuck, and clarify concepts through examples, projects and activities. A successful section depends upon us all meeting the obligations set before us.


As explained in the course syllabus, your section grade will account for 25% of your total grade - this is a significant contribution to your overall course grade. Your section grade is comprised of three components - attendance, assignments, and participation.

Assignments (50%)

Homework: You will be asked to complete a number of short, preparatory writing exercises and/or woroksheets (usually 1-2 pages/300-600 words). These assignments will sometimes be given out ahead of time, if not you will complete the default assignment. These assignments will be due each week. Because these will be the basis of class activities, they will not be accepted late. If you will be absent send your homework assignment via email or turn it in to my mailbox (4th floor, SSB) with a time-stamp prior to the beginning of class. Of the 9 writing assignments, you may miss one (1) without penalty. Two of the remaining eight will be selected for in-depth grading and will be valued as a higher percentage of your grade.

Default Assignment: For all readings assigned from the previous section to the current section, answer the following questions:
  1. One concept or portion of the reading you understand well and could explain to the class.
  2. One concept, idea or portion of the reading that you do not understand and would like to have further explained.
  3. One discussion question for the class.

Group Work: In order to facilitate more in-depth discussion, I will periodically assign group discussion topics or occasional group projects. This allows students who may be nervous of speaking in front of the entire class a venue to speak up and take risks. You are expected to divide work equitably within the group. I also encourage you to vary the make-up of your groups, this will expose you to a variety of view-points and facilitate your understanding of the material.
Additional Course Readings: Occasionally, I will assign supplementary or additional readings. These are usually directly related to an assignment. These readings are designed to augment your understanding of key course concepts and you are responsible for completing them by the due date in sufficient detail that you can discuss these readings in section.

Attendance (creates a baseline for participation): Regular and timely attendance of the section for which you are registered is expected. You are permitted one absence without consequence. Further absences will result in a penalty to your grade, as described below:

1 Section absence = Warning; no penalty on Section grade
2 Section absences = Grade lowered 1/3 of a Section grade (e.g., A to A-)
3 Section absences = Grade lowered full letter Section grade (e.g., A to B)
4 Section absences = Fail Section (you would be missing nearly half [4/10]

Participation (50%): A portion of the final grade will be determined by your participation in section. This will be weighted toward the quality of your participation, including regular and timely attendance, preparation, respectful and engaged listening to others, and contributions to discussions. You must actively participate in section to get a good grade.

Classroom Policies

Technology Policy: You may use a laptop or pad to take notes. Please do not engage in multi-tasking on your computer while in class – this includes checking Facebook, watching videos, Instant messaging with friends or other tasks that are not related to the class. Similarly do not engage in texting while in class and be certain that your cell phone is either turned off or put on silent. If you have obligations that require you to be able to answer your cell phone during section please see me as soon as possible to discuss this issue.

E-mail Policy: In general, email should be restricted to simple, yes-no questions or emergency information. Questions requiring extensive answers should be reserved for the classroom or addressed to me during office hours (but feel free to email me to request an office hours appointment). I receive a high volume of emails on a daily basis, for this reason I ask that you include the phrase "Soc 1" in the subject line of your emails. I will respond to your email by the end of the next business day (M-F), if you have not heard back from me at this point, please resend the email. From time-to-time I find it necessary to communicate information about class and assignments to you via email. I will do this by using the contact feature on TED or from my university email account using the email provided on the class roster (your UCSD account). You are responsible for checking your email on a regular and timely basis.

Academic Integrity: UCSD's policy on the Integrity of Scholarship can be found at Take it seriously.

Disabilities Accommodations: Students with disabilities who require reasonable accommodations to fully participate in course activities or meet course requirements must provide a current Authorization for Accommodation (AFA) letter issued by the Office for Students with Disabilities (OSD) which is located in University Center 202 behind Center Hall. Students are required to present their AFA letters to Faculty (please make arrangements to contact me privately) and to the OSD Liaison in the department in advance so that accommodations may be arranged.
Contact the OSD for further information:
858.534.4382 (phone)
Please make certain that your AFA letter is filed with Beverly Bernhardt (bbernhardt(@) as soon as possible. If your accommodations pertain to in-class participation, testing or grading please be certain to come see me or send me an email to assure I am aware of your accommodation needs.

Preferred Name and Gender Pronouns: Class rosters and University data systems are provided to the instructor with the student's legal name and gender identification. I will gladly honor your request to address you by a preferred name and/or gender pronoun. Please advise me of this preference early in the semester so that I may make appropriate changes to my records.

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